Brush Removal in Lafayette, Indiana
Have you ever hired a service that got the job done, but left behind a mess? You probably didn't appreciate the extra chores on your end. That's why, depending on your needs, our tree service team can leave or remove the brush from any job site. We care about our client's opinion and will work with you to ensure your experience with us is a pleasant one. If you choose to have brush removal services, we will take all the extra tree material from the job location. Call in today for a free estimate.


Christian-Based Tree Services
We value your time and maintaining a tidy work site which is why we offer optional brush removal. If you choose to have the brush removed, we will take all the extra tree material from the job location and have as much of it as possible repurposed into mulch and other usable materials.
Dependable Work Ethic
Wildcat Creek Tree Service will go out of its way to make certain that you are satisfied with the results of the job. We take great satisfaction in delivering quality work to our community.
Experienced Guidance in Brush Removal
With staff members yielding over 15 years of experience, we have all the knowledge you need. We want you to be informed about your situation and the impact your tree service decisions will have on the environment!
Wildcat Creek Tree Service
3007 N 900 E
Lafayette, IN 47905
"But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded."
-2 Chronicles 15:7
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